
Heal With Wholistic Foods

Wholistic Tailored meals are an outstanding resource for anyone wanting to maximize their health and minimize their dependence on medicine and prescriptions. Many who are suffering from medical illnesses and obesity don’t know that making drastic changes to your diet can not only add years to your life, but also help you transition away from prescribed drugs and medicine.  Our tailored meals come with guidance and resources that help you to understand nutrition in an original, highly compelling way. Our tailored meals are an easy and sensible, with an accessible approach to learning how to maintain or regain your health.


WholistIc Services for

Wholistic Products

  • Diabetes

  • Celiac * Crohns

  • Gout

  • Cancers

  • Lupus

  • Alzheimers/Dementia

  • Asthma

  • Heart disease

  • Obesity

  • Mental health

  • Clean Lymphatic System Foods

  • Fermented Gut Healing Foods

  • Alkaline Water/Foods

  • Savory Diabetic Foods

  • Cognitive & Memory Enhanced Foods

  • Bone & Joint Builder Foods

  • Heart & Cardiovascular Foods

  • Sustainable/Organic

  • Bone Broths

  • Surgery/Recovery Foods (2).png (3).png (6).jpg

Dietary Needs/Food Consultation Services

Being well and eating healthy is not just about adding fruits and vegetables to your daily eating habits. Your transition to a healthier, more vibrant life starts with a complete wellness and nutritional evaluation. We weigh in all factors by fine-tuning a tailored meal that works best for you, your family, and organizations, We’ll recommend a health regimen that will help you reach your lifestyle goals and live longer. We specialize in Wholistic tailored meals that help to alleviate medical conditions and ailments. Contact us to schedule a consultation.

  • Health Assessment

  • Weight Loss

  • Weekly/Monthly Tailored Meals

  • Gluten Free/Paleo/Organic Meals

  • Schools/Businesses/Hospitals/clinic

  • Sedentary Lifestyles

  • Food Research Guides & Literature

  • Home Delivery/Pickup

  • Chronic Illnesses

  • Food Medicine

  • Women/Children/Seniors